Monday 5 October 2015

Heart to Heart Confession


Have you ever felt so shitty and down in your life? I'm sure you've experienced this before. I am experiencing this now. First of all, I am so sick and tired of university (no no not that I wanna drop out or anything) it's just that I feel so bored and I've reached to the point to having a really hard time concentrating. My mood is not always fixed, sometimes I feel happy, sometimes I feel sad and sometimes I feel so empty. My close friends are now busy with their life, therefore I have no one to talk to. I just want to pour everything on my mind here because this is my blog after all, right? Blog is like my best friend, my online journal where I can talk as many as possible. Man, I wished I could rewind the time where all my close friends were near me. Hang out together, laughed together, eating lunch together and did something together. I remember when otlee (jara, farrel, syifa, odi and taufik) came to my house, finished all my foods and trashed my house. I missed that. I missed having them in my life. I just wished someday we will all going to meet again together and I want to travel with them. I'm sure it'll be fun. Just the six of us.

Back to university life problem. I honestly like what I'm studying right now, this is truly came from my heart. But you know, when you have constant deadlines and works to do, lo ngerasa jenuh dan gak tau mau mulai dari mana. Yea that's what I feel right now. I know I shouldn't be complaining because I am lucky enough to attend university BUT THIS HOMEGIRL HAVE FEELING TOO OKAY. Ah whatever, I guess I have to be patience and continue with what is happening right now. Really though, I can't wait for the end of the year holiday. I just want to watch everything without worrying having deadline tomorrow. Just two more years div, two more years, Insha Allah.

Also, even though I lived here for almost half of my life. This time, this year, I felt so bored and sick of Perth. I just want to go home. I want to see my grandmas, aunties, uncles and cousins so badly. I never felt this homesick before. Usually if I felt homesick, that feeling will fade away in two days. But this time, it never faded away. I just want to go home. Perth has become so boring, all my lovers went back to Indonesia. Man, I'm sorry if this post is too depressing and sad. I just want to share, pour it all over here because I want to. I promise I will keep up the positivity in the future post and leave all the negativity behind. Anyway once again I am so sorry for the depressing post and I hope you'll still enjoy my posts hehehe.

Bye and take care, darlings.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Guest Star

I swear i'm a horrible blogger.

Hey everybody!

I'm back again hehehe. So this post is going to be about an event that PPIA Curtin created called Kreasi Indonesia. Basically Kreasi Indonesia was an event to celebrated 17 Agustusan. The event was big and there are so many people that came (not only Indonesian!). The event was a success. We invited guests star from straight from Indonesia. Yep, we invited Teza Sumendra and the Stepbrothers and we also invited Dimas Danang and Gilang Gombloh. Every single committee had different jobs and I received the most funnest job ever which was taking the guests star to go all around Perth, not bad right? For three days, I went to places with them. I made friends with them, they were so much fun and easy going. I love easy going people, they make me comfortable hehehe. I was not too close with mas Teza, but I've become really close with mas Danang, The Stepbrothers (consist of Mas Inno, Mas Martin, Mas Jason, Mas Vito and Mas Ricky), Mbak Aksa (mas Teza's manager) and Mas Alain (oh my gosh he is a funny guy). Let's talk about mas Danang. He's like a big brother to me, seriously. He was the first person in the group to called me and actually talking to me, he is a nice person. He actually gave me some life and love advices hahahahahaha, I know, so random huh?

Anyway, I just want to share this story with you because I thought it's interesting (I guess?) and it was a lifetime memory for me (yaiyalah siapa sih yg gamau punya temen hebat?). Dari event ini gue belajar banyak hal:
1. Gue lebih pede sama orang
2. Bisa ngatur waktu
3. Belajar baca map (and i'm horrible at that and also i'm directionally challenge lmao)
4. They thought to be more free and they told me not to "jaim" around new people lol
6. Sleep is important

Ya gitu dehhh tapi fun kok, gue ikhlas walaupun harus bangun pagi banget trs belanja sarapan buat mereka tp gapapalah yang penting gue dapet pengalaman yang lumayan berharga.

Anyway I just want to share few photos with you guys hehe.

(mas itu perutnya tolong dikontrol ya)

(ada orang di instagram bilang kita mirip, are you sure?)

(disini gue takut karna banyak bule mabok)

(last dinner)

(with The Stepbrothers)

Enjoy the post guys, update trus ya! I love you and take care.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Uni Life

Hey hey!

At the end of 2014 I finished my high school and went to Indonesia for a holiday. So, I went to Jakarta then Padang then Jakarta again then Bali then I went back again to Perth (yes, sadly). I stayed in Indonesia only for a month because I need to enrol for university (yep I'm not longer a high school student). I went back to Australia with my dad. Long short story, I got accepted into Curtin University and I was really happy because I've been wanting to go to Curtin University when I was in year 9! So it was like a dream come true. Until now, I still kinda don't believe that I am a Curtin student, its like I lived in my own dream (bleugh i know i'm cheesy but meh).

I study Mass Communication and so far I really enjoyed it. The course is fun and the units are also fun (well one unit got me bored but its okay). First day of orientation day (or ospek) I was with a friend named Nabilah. We got confused and lost because the campus is pretty huge. We don't know where to go. Second, third and fourth day of orientation day we finally know the way to our classes and mushalla, we were very happy hahaha. Then first day of uni (it was public holiday ugh and it was on Monday!) I went to one tutor and two lectures and I finished an hour early and it made me really happy. basically, first week of uni wasn't too bad. then i spent second, third, fourth weeks in uni, i feel like i wanna give up life already! lol. the amount of assignments that i've got are too much to handle. 12 weeks later I realised "oh my gosh semester one is almost finish" and then i got a heart attack, nah i'm only joking hahaha. Finally, semester one is over! I received my result when I was still Indo and I am pretty impressed with myself lol.

I am gonna work my butt off for this semester! Now that semester two has already started it, I need to stop my habit which is procrastinate (aka watching cat videos all day long) and actually do the shiz. So far, I enjoy my first year of university and I just hope it will stay like that for the next two years (Insha Allah!).

SEE YOU NEXT YEAR (lol i'm kidding). BYEEE xo

Monday 9 December 2013

Almost End

YAAAAY akhirnya semua exams gue dan assignments gue selesai semua di tahun 2013! Kalo kata guru gue nih sekarang kita di kelas '11.5' karna dikit lagi gue kelas bakal ke kelas 12 omg  kelas 12!!! Fisik gue doang yang kecil tapi meeennnnnnn batin dan umur gue udah tua hahahaha. Oh ya di postingan ini gue mau curhat (yaiyalah) tentang yg bakal terjadi di akhir tahun ini. Pertama gue bakal nonton Taylor Swift, kedua SI NENEK ZAHRA MAU PINDAH KE INDONESIA dan gue sedih banget, hati gue ancur. Ketiga gue bakal ikutan camp diundang dari University of Western Australia dan semua anak-anak dari Western Australia bakal dateng, new friendsssssssssss. Tapi gue tetep sedih gara-gara:

1. Gue gak ke indonesia
2. Zahra ke indonesia, selamanya
3. Gue gak ke indonesia
4. Gue gak ke indonesia


Btw postingan gue ini agak 'sedikit' keren karna zahra bantuin gue nulis yaaay :3

halo nama gue zahra umur 16 benta lagi 17 tahun depan ikut pemilu yay bye
ohiya gue juga masih jomblo ;) (jadi ceritanya dia promosi nih guys, kasian dia ini jomblo ngenes)

Ya jadi cuma segitu doang sih si zahra ngetiknya karna dia lagi baca anime, katanya gabisa diganggu gugat. Yasudahlah gapenting juga dia nulis di blog gue he he he ampun.

Oh ya hari sabtu kemaren which is on the 7th of December, kita ngadain bbq farewell party buat zahra. It was a success. Pertama gue dianter sm bokap dan nyokap jemput taufik di carlisle station dan abis itu kita ke bentley centre daaaaaannnnn kita belanja. Gue belanja ayam, sosis, air sm perlengkapan buat bbqnya dan taufik belanja jus (lagi).  Trus pas udah selesai belanja kita langsung jalan ke burswood park, yay! Tapi pas baru sampe sana yang baru dateng cuma gue dan taufik (hiks sedih). Tapi gak lama kita dateng, si khairiyah dateng deh. Trus kita cuma hening sebentar. Gak lama kemudian si farrel dateng dengan kacamata hitamnya (hahahaha asik bos). Oh iya tau gak sih lo, hape gue seharian tuh busy banget. Ya kalo gak dapet sms,telfon,line,twitter dll. Tapi gapapalah ya seru kok. Nah kan si taufik lagi nendang bola eh taunya bolanya mental ke dalem outdoor cinema, gabisa diambil deh lol. Trus pas si farrel sama taufik lagi main, gue di line sm rima katanya dia lagi sama zahra udah nyampe di burswood. Gue cari mereka tuh dan akhirnya bertemu hehehehe. Dan satu persatu guestnya udah pada dateng, and the party started!

Seru deh kita main bareng, ngakak bareng dan akhirnya kita nangis bareng (well yang nangis sih cuma ceweknya aja soalnya cowok gapunya perasaan hehehehehe). Kita ngasih zahra frame dan didalem framenya itu ada foto gue,syifa,farrel,taufik dan odi. Trus kita ngasih dia baju bergambar kucing polos, kita coret-coret deh. Trus kita juga beliin zahra kartu yang titlenya bukan goodbye tapi malah 'you're having a baby' hahahaha abis itu semua yang dateng nulis sesuatu di kartu itu. Dan kita bikin zahra nangis,dia meluk gue dan yang lainnya. Gue pengen nangis tapi gabisa padahal air mata gue udah mau keluar hehe. It was an epic day! Abis acara nangis menangis kita semua main benteng, group gue kalah! Dan groupnya zahra menang because those two bastards (ufi and taufik) hehehe ampun bang. Trus gue dipanggil sama amel katanya dia mau ngasih kue sm hadiah buat 'an early birthday' gitu deh, yaudah yang lain pada sibuk ngobrolin benteng gue diem-diem kabur ke gazebo. Zahra mukanya happy dan sedih jadi satu, dia dikasih tas sm amel. Abis ngasih surprise party kita semua main truth or dare! Kocak abis. Gue dikasih dare buat guling-gulingan ditengah parknya, oke udah gue kerjain. Trus farrel didare buat teriak 'gue jomblo ngenes', odi disuruh makan 3 cabe rawit, ufi disuruh ngomong sama bebek kalo ldr itu sucks, syifa disuruh meluk tiang dan masih banyak lagi. Eh tapi sebelum main truth or dare kita main kotak surat! In the middle of the game si khairiyah bawa pacarnya, yang awalnya 'meh who cares' dan menjadi 'batin gue gakuat liat mereka berdua romantis banget', dasar jones. MEREKA ITU SUPER DUPER ROMANTIS BANGET YAWLOH. Hm anyway kita foto-foto sampe banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkk banget, ada kali lebih dari 500 foto kalo ditotal. Kita itu super narsis. Tapiiiiii foto yang dari kamera zahra aib semua! Gue sedih. Gimana gue mau dapet pacar kalo fotonya gitu semua. Tapi gapapa deh muka kita semua itu priceless. Dan itu yang bikin kangen.

Nah party sudah selesai, kita semua packing up mau pulang. Gue sibuk bagiin makanan sisa, dan mereka semua sibuk bersihin gazebonya. Kita nunggu tuh sampe shafeeqa dan atmalia dijemput. Kita ngobrol lah tapi yg mau dijemput ngomong berdua, because they're speaking english yaknow and kita ngomong asal jeplak yaknow. Yaudahlah mereka berdua udah dijemput. Gue, odi, taufik, ufi, zahra sama syifa pulang bareng naik train. Cuma odi doang yang beda trainnya. Gila ya kita jalan from the park all the way to the train station. It was soooo tiring but fun. Sampe rumah kaki gue rasanya mau putus, mati rasa euy. Sampe rumah gue di teror sama anak-anak disuruh upload fotonya di facebook. Gatau gue capek apa ya. Tapi gue upload juga tuh foto, tapi mereka sampe nunggu 3 jam gitu karna gue mager. Si odi sampe bikin fb cuma buat foto-fotonya lol abis gak tuh. Naaaaahhhhh di part paling gaenak nih, gue malem-malemnya gabisa tidur. Gara-gara dada gue kayak di iket gitu, susah nafas dan muntah-muntah. Kata nyokap, gue masuk angin parah. Mau tidur aja susah banget, sampe-sampe gue baru bisa tidur jam 4 pagi. Ternyata bukan gue doang yg kena masuk angin parah, si odi juga sama. Malahan dia gak tidur semaleman. Pas gue buka line ada line dari dia curhat, yaudah gue juga ikutan curhat hahahahaha. Tapi gapapa deh yang penting gue ada temennya. SOOOOOOO my 2013 is full of happiness and sadness at the same time. But meh nobody's life is perfect, right? So enjoy it till it last. Friend come and go but they always leave mark on your heart forever, especially those people who become so clossseeeee to you. I know it's sad, but you must accepted. Because life is unexpected, whatever happens you gotta accept that. Walaupun itu menyedihkan ataupun menyenangkan.

And these are the photos that we took at the party, only some though. You can see all the photos on my facebook and zahra's facebook. Enjoy stalking guys :p


Saturday 9 November 2013

Life in Straya, hard.

So since I have this blog and I haven't tell my story about living in Australia. I know some people would say 'wiiihhh living in aus? hebat' but actually living here is hard. You have to do everything and anything on your own. Well when I was in Indo, I have my beautiful maid who always cleaned my house, cooked for my family and much more. I also have my driver, so whenever i wanna go to somewhere, he's always there for me~bahahahaahhaha

Tau gak sih sebenernya gue itu gak betah tinggal disini (itu dulu) tapi pas gue balik ke indo lg kan waktu itu, trus i changed my mind. Indonesia itu terlalu......ancur. Coba liat aja korupsi dimana-mana, pembunuhan, pemerkosaan halah ada-ada aja sih. BUT. Indonesia tetep aja negara gue, gue sih betah berlama-lama di indo karna:

1. Makanannya, aduh orang gila deh kalo gasuka sm makanan indonesia apalagi mie ayam sm pempek, beeuuuhhh gamau balik lg deh gue ke australia ahahahahaahah

2. Murah, barang di indo tuh murah-murah euyy, lo mau beli sebanyak apapun (kecuali tas brand it dll) pasti harganya bakal less that $20! Apalagi kalo lg sale, me luv sale gurrllll 

3. Big family, yap. My grandmas and cousins and aunties. That's the reason I love Indonesia especially jakarta and padang!

4. Cowok indonesia ganteng-ganteng. Sebenernya sih orang indo itu ganteng, kalo gak alay dan lebay dan ..... (isi sendiri deh girls).

5. Wuhuu di indonesia itu serba adaaaaaa, lo mau cari yg aneh-aneh juga ada. Tapi sedihnya di indo ada forever 21,topshop,starbucks,pull&bear etapi di perth malah gak ada. Boo-hoo :(

Oh ya tinggal disini tuh semuanya harus kita sendiri yg ngerjain! Kayak nyuci,ngepel,beresin rumah,masak harus dikerjain sendiri, kalo lo gabisa lo mati aja deh. Mangkanya gue bingung sm anak-anak di indo yg super manja dan super gabisa diatur, lo kalo tinggal disini pasti ngerasain deh, lo bakal gak betah dan gasuka. Tapi that is life and you have to enjoy it anyway. Gue tinggal disini tuh banyak manfaatnya, gue yg tadinya super males, jd gak males. Super manja, sekarang jd mandiri. Super boros agak hemat gitu (maklumlah gue kan cewek). Tapi gapapa kan ada quote 'bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian' gue akan ngikutin method itu sampe gue sukses dan akhirnya bisa bersenang-senang dan menikmati masa tua yg indah. Sekarang gue harus bersakit-sakit dulu, bercapek-capek dulu tp hasilnya broooooo bakalan nikmat banget!

Gue tuh disini setiap hari ya jadwalnya pasti sekolah tiap hari senin-jumat, pulang sekolah paling tidur dulu karna gue sering ngantuk berat, abis itu gue beresin rumah, makan malem, trus ngerjain pr deh sampe larut malem. Kalo tiap sabtu,minggu nih gue pasti kalo gak ada ulangan atau gak pergi kemana-mana, ya mau gak mau harus bersihin rumah sampe gak ada debu! Gue biasanya suka diajak jalan gitu tiap sabtu, abis kalo jalannya hari minggu, guenya males. Takut kecapekan pas hari seninnya. Ya gue jalan kemana sih, kalo gak ke city ya carousel ya kalo gak ke carousel paling temen-temen gue pada main kerumah gue dan ngabisin semua makan yg gue punya ahahahahhahaha kagalaah. Tapi asiklah tinggal disini, tiap hari pake internet dan paket internet dirumah gue itu unlimited lho! Lo bisa main internet sampe mampus. Tapi sih biasanya gue main internet paling ke youtube cari-cari lagu bagus, trus nonton youtube sampe terkencing-kencing, trus nonton film online, kadang gue nonton anime, nonton tv series! (Pretty Little Liars is my all time faaavvvvvvv <3), buka fb sm twitter deh abis itu kalo bosen gue tidur aja deh. Karna baru-baru ini tampilan blog dan tumblr gue berbeda, gue jd rajin ngeblog sm tumblring, kemaren males aja main 7 jam non-stop gue sampe di omelin nyokap gara-gara lupa makan ahahahahaha.

So if you think living in Australia is hell amazing, then you are wrong! Because for me, tinggal di Australia itu nyusahin, lo harus jadi mandiri, emang situ bisa jd orang mandiri? Coba belajar buat gak manja dan boros deh. Siapa tau kan kalian bisa sekolah/tinggal di luar negeri. Cuman di indo aja lo bener-bener dimanja, emang menurut lo kita abis makan di restaurant disini dirapihin gitu sama pelayannya? NOOOO kita yg harus beresin mejanya jd mereka tinggal ngelap aja, nah kalo di indo kan kita tinggalin aja yakan? So yeah, tinggal disini tuh ada enaknya ada nggaknya hehehehehehe.

Udah dulu ya curcolnya, ntar gue curcol lagi deh sampe panjaaaaang banget. Okay?? Keep updating my blog guys, i'll love you forever <3