Sunday 4 October 2015

Guest Star

I swear i'm a horrible blogger.

Hey everybody!

I'm back again hehehe. So this post is going to be about an event that PPIA Curtin created called Kreasi Indonesia. Basically Kreasi Indonesia was an event to celebrated 17 Agustusan. The event was big and there are so many people that came (not only Indonesian!). The event was a success. We invited guests star from straight from Indonesia. Yep, we invited Teza Sumendra and the Stepbrothers and we also invited Dimas Danang and Gilang Gombloh. Every single committee had different jobs and I received the most funnest job ever which was taking the guests star to go all around Perth, not bad right? For three days, I went to places with them. I made friends with them, they were so much fun and easy going. I love easy going people, they make me comfortable hehehe. I was not too close with mas Teza, but I've become really close with mas Danang, The Stepbrothers (consist of Mas Inno, Mas Martin, Mas Jason, Mas Vito and Mas Ricky), Mbak Aksa (mas Teza's manager) and Mas Alain (oh my gosh he is a funny guy). Let's talk about mas Danang. He's like a big brother to me, seriously. He was the first person in the group to called me and actually talking to me, he is a nice person. He actually gave me some life and love advices hahahahahaha, I know, so random huh?

Anyway, I just want to share this story with you because I thought it's interesting (I guess?) and it was a lifetime memory for me (yaiyalah siapa sih yg gamau punya temen hebat?). Dari event ini gue belajar banyak hal:
1. Gue lebih pede sama orang
2. Bisa ngatur waktu
3. Belajar baca map (and i'm horrible at that and also i'm directionally challenge lmao)
4. They thought to be more free and they told me not to "jaim" around new people lol
6. Sleep is important

Ya gitu dehhh tapi fun kok, gue ikhlas walaupun harus bangun pagi banget trs belanja sarapan buat mereka tp gapapalah yang penting gue dapet pengalaman yang lumayan berharga.

Anyway I just want to share few photos with you guys hehe.

(mas itu perutnya tolong dikontrol ya)

(ada orang di instagram bilang kita mirip, are you sure?)

(disini gue takut karna banyak bule mabok)

(last dinner)

(with The Stepbrothers)

Enjoy the post guys, update trus ya! I love you and take care.