Monday 5 October 2015

Heart to Heart Confession


Have you ever felt so shitty and down in your life? I'm sure you've experienced this before. I am experiencing this now. First of all, I am so sick and tired of university (no no not that I wanna drop out or anything) it's just that I feel so bored and I've reached to the point to having a really hard time concentrating. My mood is not always fixed, sometimes I feel happy, sometimes I feel sad and sometimes I feel so empty. My close friends are now busy with their life, therefore I have no one to talk to. I just want to pour everything on my mind here because this is my blog after all, right? Blog is like my best friend, my online journal where I can talk as many as possible. Man, I wished I could rewind the time where all my close friends were near me. Hang out together, laughed together, eating lunch together and did something together. I remember when otlee (jara, farrel, syifa, odi and taufik) came to my house, finished all my foods and trashed my house. I missed that. I missed having them in my life. I just wished someday we will all going to meet again together and I want to travel with them. I'm sure it'll be fun. Just the six of us.

Back to university life problem. I honestly like what I'm studying right now, this is truly came from my heart. But you know, when you have constant deadlines and works to do, lo ngerasa jenuh dan gak tau mau mulai dari mana. Yea that's what I feel right now. I know I shouldn't be complaining because I am lucky enough to attend university BUT THIS HOMEGIRL HAVE FEELING TOO OKAY. Ah whatever, I guess I have to be patience and continue with what is happening right now. Really though, I can't wait for the end of the year holiday. I just want to watch everything without worrying having deadline tomorrow. Just two more years div, two more years, Insha Allah.

Also, even though I lived here for almost half of my life. This time, this year, I felt so bored and sick of Perth. I just want to go home. I want to see my grandmas, aunties, uncles and cousins so badly. I never felt this homesick before. Usually if I felt homesick, that feeling will fade away in two days. But this time, it never faded away. I just want to go home. Perth has become so boring, all my lovers went back to Indonesia. Man, I'm sorry if this post is too depressing and sad. I just want to share, pour it all over here because I want to. I promise I will keep up the positivity in the future post and leave all the negativity behind. Anyway once again I am so sorry for the depressing post and I hope you'll still enjoy my posts hehehe.

Bye and take care, darlings.