Wednesday 12 August 2015

Uni Life

Hey hey!

At the end of 2014 I finished my high school and went to Indonesia for a holiday. So, I went to Jakarta then Padang then Jakarta again then Bali then I went back again to Perth (yes, sadly). I stayed in Indonesia only for a month because I need to enrol for university (yep I'm not longer a high school student). I went back to Australia with my dad. Long short story, I got accepted into Curtin University and I was really happy because I've been wanting to go to Curtin University when I was in year 9! So it was like a dream come true. Until now, I still kinda don't believe that I am a Curtin student, its like I lived in my own dream (bleugh i know i'm cheesy but meh).

I study Mass Communication and so far I really enjoyed it. The course is fun and the units are also fun (well one unit got me bored but its okay). First day of orientation day (or ospek) I was with a friend named Nabilah. We got confused and lost because the campus is pretty huge. We don't know where to go. Second, third and fourth day of orientation day we finally know the way to our classes and mushalla, we were very happy hahaha. Then first day of uni (it was public holiday ugh and it was on Monday!) I went to one tutor and two lectures and I finished an hour early and it made me really happy. basically, first week of uni wasn't too bad. then i spent second, third, fourth weeks in uni, i feel like i wanna give up life already! lol. the amount of assignments that i've got are too much to handle. 12 weeks later I realised "oh my gosh semester one is almost finish" and then i got a heart attack, nah i'm only joking hahaha. Finally, semester one is over! I received my result when I was still Indo and I am pretty impressed with myself lol.

I am gonna work my butt off for this semester! Now that semester two has already started it, I need to stop my habit which is procrastinate (aka watching cat videos all day long) and actually do the shiz. So far, I enjoy my first year of university and I just hope it will stay like that for the next two years (Insha Allah!).

SEE YOU NEXT YEAR (lol i'm kidding). BYEEE xo