Friday 13 July 2012

no friends, no life

heyy guysss long time no post, i'm so sorry i've been busy lately :(
anyway this post is dedicated to my fabssss friends :*
let me ask you something, how you feel when you have no close friend in your life? you will feel lonely right? i'm so lucky i had 8 close friends well they're not my close friends but they are my sisters! first i have dyssa the bubbly one, i have zahra the retard one, i have dilla the weird one, i have sarah the pretty, i have kay the cute one, i have zira the super beautiful one,i have nabila, my husband and last but not least issssss amel the funny one. let me introduce to you guys one by one :)

1. Nadyssa Alif Willanda

there she is, she's using blue scarf fyi
i met her last year but its like i've known her for a long time. the first we met was when she goes to my bus and its kinda awkward when i ask her 'are u from indonesia?' duhhh what am i thinking divvv obviously she's from indo, you can see from her face but oh well i was stupid. in the first day we hang out on recess and lunch time but guess what? we dont talk at all, yep. she kept on playing on her phone and me? i have no phone, it was broke okaaay! gosssshh. anyway we got so close cos one topic we were talk on bbm. yep about cute guys in aic AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA weird but yea. i was telling her who i like and she was like 'hey div gue pernah ketabrak sama ini deh blablabla tp gue penasaran deh' lol typical dyssa. so my mum and her mum meet each other at harbour town and my mum gave her mum my mum's phone number so my mum can call her mum, sorry for the complicated sentence :/ please dont kill me lol. and guess what after my mum got the phone number they start calling each other and have a plan on the weekend. we went to busselton with my other family friends, usually i dont have a friend who are the same age but thanks to dyssa now i have one! do you know how happy i am on that day!? oh yea we fought once because one stupid things but you know i cant stand mad to her so i decided to say sorry and she is so kind that she forgive me! oh lord thanks for sending me a friend like her. now we got more closer than before. this year we have the same class at least 3 to 4 times a day, practically i spend half of the day with her. we like business class a lot, because in that class we laughed a lot sometimes we dont know why we laughing :/:/:/. oh yea i forgot to mention we got the same maths class, we have this asian teacher that we love so much he is so kind, no offence. besides, we love our maths class because 'the-guys-that-we-like' were in the same class!!! how exciting, WE BREATH WITH THE SAME AIR. and not only that, there this guy in our maths class who always asking so many questions to the teacher and me and her thought he kinda showing off, just because he's smart but his types of fashion is a no no. we likeeeee teasing at anyone that we met, like anyone. lol dont worry we teasing you guys just for fun no other thing, i'm sorry :). let me tell you something, she likes a guy but she doesnt want to admitted it lol how cute. once, one person told her that he likes her back and she is over the moon, she couldnt stop talking about him!! HAHAHAHAHAHA sorry dyss. but now, today, tonight she's going back to indonesia :'( dysssssssss lui lau erhh i mean I AM GONNA MISS YOU LIKE HELL AND HEAVEN (?) okay it doesnt make sense....BUT DYSS SERIOUSLYYYYY??????!!!!! anyway love you dyssaaaa hope we can meet again xOxOxO

2. Azzahra Nirwana Islami

muaahh, anyway she's wearing blue contacts
zahra. i met this girl last year but we're not that close. and this year she goes to yr 10 with us (me and dyssa) yayyyy. well life goes on and now we are so attached like glue and stamp! anyway that's a bit overreact. first day of the school this year she is always 'galau' over and over! gees its annoying lol sorry ra for telling everyone :p uhh anywayyy she always thinking about her ex but oh-em-gee she's like that anymore yayyyy go rara (her nickname i give for her). but i dont think she gonna stop galau because SHE LIKES SOMEONE IN AIC :o ups i'm sorry guisee i cant tell who it is :) anyhoww she's still my buddy hehehe oh yea we always go everywhere together sometimes i picked her up from her house omg how kind i am! we make cupcakes together, we make everything together hahaha. before school started i always go to her house just to sleep for 5 minutes and she's busy cooking for her lunch :b anyway she always tell us jokes from the lame one to the really funny one. no one can replace her ayee she's one of the kind who is really hard to find, swear to God. me,her and dyssa always hang out together! we laugh, laugh and laugh. you know peoples call us 'the asians' when one person shout 'oi the asians' we automatically turn around and find who have been calling us LOL. sometimes she can be really annoying, when i need an opinions she always said 'idk' its really pissed me off to be honest :/ but i still love her <3 oh yea once she likes someone she also can not stop talking about it JUST LIKE DYSSA *palm face*. just because she and her crush are neighbour! she is one lucky bitch. at school we goes to the same class, nearly all of the classes o.O i got bored sometimes HAHAHAHAHA i'm just joking rara ;;) first time you met her you would think 'omg this girl is so feminine' but if you know her very well omg she's not.  she loveeeee painting, if you come to her house you'll see her own painting stuck on the wall, no jokes. she love drawing omg once she draw my so-called crush and it was really look like him, really.  oh yea i forgot to mention, once she wanna go to my house and on her way she got a wrong train, wrong. me,sarah,dilla,zira and amel were laughing so hard and she doesnt mind :p. andddd one thing, when she love one song she is going to repeated that song again and again, OH MY GAWD. anyway love you like a love song raaaaaa muaaaaah xOxOxOxO catch her on twitter guysss @azzahrazahrah

3. Dilla Diana Suhadji
she's using red!
dilla. i met her this year! and guess what?? we're like know each other for ages. she was born here but she can speak indonesian fluently! i swear to God i dont know what to say. well she's so weird when she try to speak indo, i always tease her for some reason. she's in year 9 fyi. she is so cuteeeeeeeee. she's obsessed with soccer players (well me too). she thinks soccer player are cute (agree!!) AHAHAHAHAHA. she can play piano and guitar! for dyssa's farewell video, she play someone like you by adelle on her piano, woott. and i love her voice, its beautiful. dilla is really talkative and sometimes she can be really annoying HAHAHAHAHA. but no one can replace her heyy. me and her took a lot of photos. she's a camwhore. if one of my friend want to take pictures together, automatically she want to be part of it, yep camwhoring much dill? anyway we fought once and just like dyssa, i cant stand mad with her. dill, im sorry if i done something wrong with you okay? :) she likes to straight in her hair and i was like 'dill your hair is perfect, why do you have to straight in again and again?' :/ soooo loveyouuu dill muaaaaaaaaaaacchhh kisshugkisshug. catch her on twitter guysss @DillaaSuhadji

4. Sarah Zata Alya     

she's wearing black scarf peeps
heyyooooo she's sarah. i met her this year and she is awesome! she loveeeesss photography. everywhere she go, she always have her camera. she also love posting pictures on her tumblr, you can check it out here i'm telling you, you will not regret it. its just some beautiful photos of nature, its just beautiful! i love her personality. oh yea i forgot to mention she's a talkative. when you dont know her i know you all think she's really quiet but actually she's not. she had an ex and she cant stop talking about him, until now. she cant get over him, she cant move on. GOD HELP HER. one fact that everyone in my school dont know is she's a writer. she's the author of the books called flowerist valley and doughnut boy (its indonesian books). and she's only 13. oh yea she love going somewhere on the weekend with her family of course. she love making cake with her mum and her sisters. i swear she always upload photos with cake in it (?) lol. anywaaayyy laffffffyyouuuhh kisshugkisshug sarahhhh. p.s her twitter is @srhztlya

5. Khairiyah Syeban   

she wears glassessssssssss muaah
hey guys this is khairiyah but i called her kay. she's asian and she's multicultural. her mum from malaysia, her dad from indonesia, her grandma from her mum is singaporean, her grandpa from her dad is arab. i'm such a stalker :p hehehe. i met her long time ago. she was in year 7 and i was in yr 6. now we're in the same grade o.O hahahaha thats because i skipped yr 8 :B. now she's i yr 10, even me. she is so smart OH MA GAWD. she love one direction sooooooooooooooooooo much. she even know a tiny thing about 1D. she's talkative. WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY TALKATIVE FRIENDS???? GOSSSHHH. i'm just kidding. first time we met is when she goes with my bus. she is awesome. she can draw for your information! she showed me her drawing direction.again. i forgot to mention she love to sing. everywhere she go, she always sing. either 1D's song or ed sheeran's song. when me,dyssa and zahra talk in indo, she actually understand what we saying. sometimes she laugh :/:/:/ then once i ask her if she want a boyfriend or not she always say 'if its not liam,zayn,harry,niall or louis then nuh-uh' seriously kay? anywaaayyy she so cute yea? just look at her picture. she is a student council. what else should i say? there's so much to say but i forgot it :( sooooooo love youuuu kakak muaaaaaah xOxOxO

6. Adzira Sani

she's the tall onee
ziraaaaaaaa (thats what i call her) we met on facebook, awkward. first time i met her was  when we going yo someone's house. and from that we became so closeee! i always tell her what i had in mind. she is a trustworthy, no wonder umar likes her, upsssssssssssssssssss :b she's only in year 8 yaknoww but she is so tall, i'm jealous. she was born here but she can talk indonesian fluently omg. she talk wayyyy better than dilla, sorry dill hehehe. now she goes to langford islamic college. her voice is really soft and i love it. she's so polite and she is so quiet!! she barely even talk a single word :s LOL. me and her had one in common which is we hate this girl (cant say her name) and we always call her 'ducklips' becauseeee that girl always take pictures with her one and the only ducklips. her sister and her is hell pretty like OM-EM-GEE i feel like ugly duckling when around them :( HHAHAAHAHAHAH  she can play guitar fyi. she is awesome. love you ziraaaaaaaaaa muahmuah kisshugkisshug 

7. Nabila Shafira

she's wearing pink teehee
nabila. i met her last year too. i met her in 'pesantren kilat'. first to two days we are not close. but i forgot what happened, we became sooooooooo close! she's my husband. she's in year 9 at the moment. she is talkative. without her my life would so empty. she hates reading. but when i lend her this indonesian novel, she became a big fans of that book. am i a good influence to her or what? :b  so she loves to cook. once i went to her house on anzac day and she decided to make homemade meatballs and of course her mum helped us. its taste soooo delicious, yummmm i'm hungry now. not only meatballs, we also made spaghetti. uh-oh my tummy start rumbling now :s! we had a really good year last year until this girl *read zira's part* took her and she start telling bullshit to anyone. i-hate-that-ducklips-girl. ANYWAY she didnt want to be her side but she want to be with me awwwwww nabila i love you. she is awesome and funny too. everynight she start to text with reason she has to finish her credits before this date :/ so we start texting to each other till late! she goes to rossmoyne senior high school.  on the weekend or holiday we love going somewhere awesome like cinema,city and stuff. but this holiday, she went to indo. that bitch leaving me in this shit hole-.- we love going to city and cinema. we love watching movie! we went to perth royal show last year and its awesome except the fact that we were going with the ducklips gurl. loveyouuuuu husband xOxOxOxO

8. Atmelia Andin

amel with the stripy t-shirt 
last but not least is amel! she's adzira's cousin. she's in year 7 and she goes to alhidayah islamic school. i met her this year.  first time we met is when we gonna make cupcakes at my house and suddenly zira want to invite her cousin and i said okay. and i never knew we going to be this close. first time she was like really quiet like her cousin but i dont know what happened, she became so hyperactive and talkative :/ (she loves hiding under my dining table) HAHAAHAHAHAHA. she is so adorable. she like my little sister hehehe. everyday (well not everyday) we bbm each other. its really fun. on her birthday party me,dilla,sarah and zahra make her poster with her pictures all over. she thinks i'm a good friend :p. on anzac day we made spaghetti with nabila and stuff at nabila's house. after we cooked food, we playing hide and seek. that game will not be boring. so me,nabila and her decided to hide behind nabila's car lol. after we playing, we took so many pictures on nabila's mac. next tuesday her,zira,zahra,dilla and me decided to go to the city. and we going to have fun together. because i barely see her on normal day except holiday. how sad. by the way loveyouuuu amel kiss kiss catch her on twitter @pucca_mel

so i think this is the longest post i ever write. hope you all dont get bored. see you in my next post <3 

see ya,