Thursday 12 July 2012

crush crib notes

you see him, you want him... i can help you to get him! every girls obviously have a crush right? but they so shy to say it! anyway i stole this from one of my fave mags. YOUR WELCOME XOXOXO

1. stealth ways to get his number

asking a guy for his number can send your knees knocking and palms sweating...BUT FEAR NOT! here are some sure-fire ways to get his digits. check it out gurlss
 -first tell him you've lost your phone and ask if he wouldn't mind calling it so you can find it (smart! i know)
 -second if you're friends on Facebook, private message him saying 'i've lost the homework question and my laptop charger is broken, can you text it to me? My number is '...' AWESOME'
 -third if you're doing something in a group suggest you a swap digits, in case you need to contact each other (cheeky, maybe you should try this)
 -fourth if you're FB chatting, tell him your computer is being glitchy and ask him if he wants to text (el oh el)
 -last one is let him know you'll be arranging a get-together soon so you'll need his number to give him the details :p

2. ice breakers

need a reason to get the convo started? here are some ideas:
~ wear a slogan tee with your fave band- it gives him the perfect convo-starter to get chatting
~ forfeit your watch/ phone and ask him if he's got the time (oh yeah)
~ text him, 'you were in my dream last night'. It's sure to get him curious.
~ figure out a celeb he kinda looks like and then say 'has anyone ever told you, you look like so and so?' :p
~ comment on your surroundings, like, if you're at a party, comment on the DJ set or if you're at school talk about a test coming up

3. dare to stare

eye contact is to flirting what choc-chips are to cookies...essential! here are five tips to nail it:
- when you catch your crush's eye, hold his gaze  for two seconds, then look down at the ground for two seconds, then look back up into his eyes and smile
- if you're nervous about staring right into his eyes when he's talking to you, then look at the bridge of his nose- right between his eyes. It might feel strange at first, but it will deffo look like solid eye contact to him
- if you want hi to realise you're into him, tilt your head down slightly and look at him out of the corner of your eyes. slow down your blinking a little and you'll seriously look like a sultry fox!
- don't forget to smile when you're looking at him. without a grin (or at least a slight smile) you'll look like you're pissed off (don't want this to be happened :/)
- last, don't focus so hard on staring that you end up not listening to what he's saying
it's just as important to seem interested as well interesting, so make sure you don't hog the convo when you guys are chatting :)

blush much?
if your cheeks go beetroot red as soon as he talks to you, you're not alone! once you feel the blushing, try your hardest to relax your muscles, particularly your shoulders and neck. a smile is also a great way to fade a blush because our cheeks naturally redden when we smile so you'll look natural :D

don't bother if:
- he spends time flirting with other girls in front of you
- he makes no effort in front of his friends
- you can tell he's playing games with you
- he makes you cry more than you laugh...uh, BYE!

you know he likes you when...
- you told him to call you and he deffo call you back
- he'll end a text message with a question mark, so he know he'll get a text back from you
- he'll going to look at Facebook invites to see if you'll be going to the same parties as him. if you going, then he gonna make an extra effort to look nice.

see you in my next post guysssss

see ya,